
"Topgrading will become a continuous process of raising the bar in the identification of top and bottom players to enhance overall organizational vitality."

Bill Conaty, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, GE

What services do we provide? One. Topgrading.

What is Topgrading?
Topgrading simply means identifying the A players for every position in the company, where an A player represents the top 10 percent of the talent available at a given salary level.

The idea behind Topgrading is so simple, it still surprises us how few companies do it.

The Best Selection and Assessment Method
The methodology is based on over 30 years of research in this area. The screening process includes one chronological, in-depth interview, the Topgrading Interview. This format is the most accurate tool for gaining vivid insights into the executive’s strengths and limitations.

The Topgrading Interview typically last at least 4 hours and covers the candidate’s entire career history with a fine-toothed comb.

This type of interview focuses on the executive’s actual experiences over the course of their entire career.  Clear patterns surface that make it easy to see what their strengths and weaknesses are and allow us to accurately predict how they would do on the future challenges the job brings.

We take detailed references from previous managers/seniors and peers to ensure we have as complete and accurate an assessment as possible.  We can also compliment this with a thorough back-ground check.

All of this information is then collated in a detailed report with our recommendations.

When to use Topgrading?
For example, we can:
- assess a team in a company you are aquiring,
- assess a potential new partner for your firm,
- help you determine the development needs of your directors,
- implement Topgrading as your internal interviewing, appraisal, development and coaching methodology.
- simply ensure you have the best people for the job

If you wish to find out more about Topgrading and how we can help you, please contact us